Sunday, November 28, 2010

Jack's Mission

Kylie is my girl. She's hands down, the loveliest person anyone could ever meet. She's blonde and has on occassion, done her bit to enhance the blonde stereotype - the best one being when she let slip that she genuinely thought that Unicorns existed (she was 22 years old when this hapenned) - but was quick to add "i know they don't have wings and fly though!" Phew - good save Kins, for a second there we thought we were going to have to disown you :p
Kylie and I get along better than anyone i know - though there has always been one tiny flaw in Kylie's perfect existence . . i'm just gonna say it . . .(deep breath) . . she . . . doesn't . . . like . . . DOGS!!!!!! It's not her fault, she never had dogs growing up & has just managed to avoid them.
I'll admit, my two k9 children do get VERY excited when visitors come over, they jump up & lick your face and take a good few minutes to calm down once you've come in and sat down. When Kylie came over to visit my new puppy (11 months after we got her) she wasn't quite prepared for the greeting she received. Alfie & Jersey gave her the same greeting they give everyone only they just LOVED it when Kylie started screaming and running around our island bench which they of course assumed meant she was playing a very competitive game of chasey and had to catch her! As Aidan & I laughed all the breath out of our bodies Kylie eventually stopped running, stood still and yelled "I can't believe you didn't help me!".
A few short weeks after this life threatening experience, would you believe it - I got a text message from the Kins, and it said "you won't in a million years guess what we just bought. A dog!! haha" I have NEVER been so shocked in my life!! This was it - i've always told kylie that it would only take one dog of her own to become a changed person and now we will see the transformation as Jack goes from being an outside dog, to a cuddle buddy when the boyfriend's away :)
Just look at those eyes!!!

Jack's not quite 3 months yet so we had his firt little photoshoot in his backyard.

It was just a tad sweltering this afternoon so Jack cooled himself off in his water bucket :)

I cannot wait for Kylie to start talking about him in such a way that people will assume Jack is her human child :)

Congratulations on your first fluffy born xxx

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