Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bruce's Family

I love me a good laugh. I'm talking the laughs that hurt your stomach, makes your eyes water & give your body a huge shot of endorphins that keep you smiling for hours afterwards! I had many a laugh with Corinne during our highschool years and 10 years later i'm pleased to report she still has the best laugh i've ever heard. When she laughs - she means it, and i LOVE her for that :) She now has a lovely fiance, 2 gorgeous little Princesses and a brand new 9 week old Staffy named Bruce to look after!! I had too much fun her amazing family!

Brucey is just the sweetest little boy i ever did meet. So dopey & gentle, he reminds me a lot of my Alfie . . .

Caitlyn was not too keen on smiling for my camera! Luckilly my long lens can be decieving. Her little eyes are just too beautiful!

Lil Maddie is too sweet. . she was a little confused as to why everyone was staring at her but she worked the camera amazingly!

Thanks for having me you guys x I shall be back for Bruce's 6 month shoot :D


  1. AMAZING CLAIRE - Bruce is just too cute for words! Great Job!!

  2. Oh Claire the photos are amazing. We are wrapped with them and are one very talented girl. Proud to say I have known u all these years. You are welcome anytime and I will be recommending you and getting you back VERY soon xxxxx

  3. Love Bruce, what a cutie. Gorgeous photos :-)

